the internet cannot find the richard
wilbur poem on the groundhog with which
I wanted to use as a springboard for the hedge-
hog road killed, rest in peace me spikey friend
who I transferred in my mind into a pumped
up biosonic super-duper slug eating hog
that would from memory of a bristol uni mag
that borrowed steve majors, could wreck
and overturn the tarmac status quo -now
I must regretably go, as time is in this cafe
running out, but I hope no deja vous
for my milk sipping comrade of the road.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Monday, 26 April 2010
The Orchard

The Day Came Slow, Till Five O' Clock
By Emily Dickinson
The day came slow, till five o'clock
Then sprang before the hills
Like hindered rubies, or the light
A sudden musket spills
The purple could not keep the east,
The sunrise shook from fold,
Like breadths of topaz, packed a night,
The lady just unrolled.
The happy winds their timbrels took;
The birds, in docile rows,
Arranged themselves around their prince
(The wind is prince of those).
The orchard sparkled like a Jew, --
How mighty 't was, to stay
A guest in this stupendous place,
The parlor of the day!
The Orchard
I don't understand Emily Dickinson why,
I don't understand
I don't understand why the orchard should
"sparkle like a Jew"
I can understand how the sunrise might
in synaesthesia, sound and look like a musket
report across the skies, how the colours
amassed in the morning slowly in palette
become the glitter of jewels,
but I don't understand why the orchard should
"sparkle like a Jew"
I can understand why the birds benumbed by sleep
might as you say Emily be arrayed in a docile row,
how wind may take on regal airs, to pun,
how the morning could be like a woman at a dressing
table, putting on her finery,
but my dear Emily, I don't understand why
the orchard should "sparkle like a Jew"
source for photo:
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
The fire breaks the news and clouds
the judgment, as the pall of smoke
carried by fear, takes the figment
of imagination to the borders of fancy
where Nicholas Cage in a 9/11
bunker gear, pushes through crowds
of panic-stricken, orders the Nancy
Pelosi types to strip into their beliefs
As those of younger age in 7/11
buy and buy and buy, Good-bye
In Sagas of yore, the Chief statement
was a-rove, a-kill, a-rape, a-take,
Now, at the foot of the ice mountain
They in off-shore shell companies in snake
oil derivatives, fake their audits
As the ash on the self-flagellant
has worked to quell only the vanity
of the webpage mission statement
The Apocalypse foretold in teacups
and coffee beans, forms in shrouds
of black particles that could in theory
bring down the might of the air force
But in subprime tv, repacked to laughter
about the name, the Icelandic jokes
accumulate like hedged options and funds
Where upon those in stranded rooms
beached by humour, fail to see the line
of government by press, and mistakes
Erupt into policy, now the Four Horses
Gallop through the European skies
First comes Unemployment, then close
by Inflation, then Stagnation, then whine
the three in conjunction, then Nationalism
Like the Spectre of Marx, it in formation
gathers, to cover first Austria, then Italy,
Then, and then, and then, and then,
Will Nick Cage and team train hoses
On the real Volcano, as it spurts hatred
from its rocky ass, its magna fed by discontent
and disatisfaction, the lava a tongue of Devil
turns all opposition before it into Comedy.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
A cavallo donato no si guarda in bocca.
it is the thought that counts despite the pure and unredeemable
ugliness, the tastlessness, the senselessness, and the cheapness
of those gifts that were bought because one simply does
have to fulfil the silly ritual of giving shite to be sure and not
to unpardonable, unreasonable, irrational, and in all
then you must in thankfulness, gratefulness, shake hands or kiss
and this is what it is all about, the human living in exchange
of the four-footed friended gifts - would mine please be a palomino
in gold and roan, with the glint of the wild in its eyes, to be bred
from sunshine and history, not to have Ken on its back, a Barbie
stud and stallion, to be real, not that plastic moulded thing
that needs the operation of my hands to get it bloody going
like the unintentional pun that makes it to becoming innuendo
getting cheap laughs and titters, riding humour not back back
but in the saddle, freeing itself from the juxtaposition of Ken
and that stallion, so don't look in the mouth of a gifted doll
for one may see the horse that beast of play which it should be.
ugliness, the tastlessness, the senselessness, and the cheapness
of those gifts that were bought because one simply does
have to fulfil the silly ritual of giving shite to be sure and not
to unpardonable, unreasonable, irrational, and in all
then you must in thankfulness, gratefulness, shake hands or kiss
and this is what it is all about, the human living in exchange
of the four-footed friended gifts - would mine please be a palomino
in gold and roan, with the glint of the wild in its eyes, to be bred
from sunshine and history, not to have Ken on its back, a Barbie
stud and stallion, to be real, not that plastic moulded thing
that needs the operation of my hands to get it bloody going
like the unintentional pun that makes it to becoming innuendo
getting cheap laughs and titters, riding humour not back back
but in the saddle, freeing itself from the juxtaposition of Ken
and that stallion, so don't look in the mouth of a gifted doll
for one may see the horse that beast of play which it should be.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Βρῶμα θεῶν Pastoral
I am not sure what God was about when
I ventured into the fastfood restaurant
there I ordered a ten kroner cheese burger
Was Dionysus abroad, checking out a special
super-size me behind me, his adolescent
form bloated with sugar and fat, extra marble
would be needed to carve a sculpture
of the lad, his twin, Bacchus was downing cola
as if there were no tomorrow, nearby Aphro-
dite had put on some kilos, chomping into bacon
and something, these Gods which Caravaggio
would mock and Petronious fuck, they digest
and consume the Pampas and countless
places, oh Rabelais would turn Pagan in their
presence, I just hoped that what went in
would not come out until I left the dell.
I ventured into the fastfood restaurant
there I ordered a ten kroner cheese burger
Was Dionysus abroad, checking out a special
super-size me behind me, his adolescent
form bloated with sugar and fat, extra marble
would be needed to carve a sculpture
of the lad, his twin, Bacchus was downing cola
as if there were no tomorrow, nearby Aphro-
dite had put on some kilos, chomping into bacon
and something, these Gods which Caravaggio
would mock and Petronious fuck, they digest
and consume the Pampas and countless
places, oh Rabelais would turn Pagan in their
presence, I just hoped that what went in
would not come out until I left the dell.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
For George Szirtes.
On the coast of Northumberland the fingers
Of a promontory test the sea fog that descends
Upon the North Sea, doubting the unreality
Then they too disappear as the shroud lingers
The fishing boats and cobles are universally
Covered , the voices carried by the mystery
At times, for the religious it is of the Eucharist
Though for the kid with fishing rod this screen
Natural and beautiful covered also the liturgy
The fish can be heard to move in the stillness
Of the millpond sea, the greyness at times
Impacted by the hovering light of a helicopter
This fog a pretext for Nature to assert itself
In a manifestation that the unbeliever claims
To be Dickensian in its extent of uncanniness
To be abroad when the colours are monochrome
Like when the television electron guns go awry
To have one’s faith tested like one’s vision
Here is the fog, a fiction covered in facts.
For George Szirtes.
On the coast of Northumberland the fingers
Of a promontory test the sea fog that descends
Upon the North Sea, doubting the unreality
Then they too disappear as the shroud lingers
The fishing boats and cobles are universally
Covered , the voices carried by the mystery
At times, for the religious it is of the Eucharist
Though for the kid with fishing rod this screen
Natural and beautiful covered also the liturgy
The fish can be heard to move in the stillness
Of the millpond sea, the greyness at times
Impacted by the hovering light of a helicopter
This fog a pretext for Nature to assert itself
In a manifestation that the unbeliever claims
To be Dickensian in its extent of uncanniness
To be abroad when the colours are monochrome
Like when the television electron guns go awry
To have one’s faith tested like one’s vision
Here is the fog, a fiction covered in facts.
Monday, 12 April 2010
Lex talionis II

Deliver us from the original sin which placed women
In a category of secondness and evil, the knowledge
Of bodies sacrament in nature then turned to sin
The snake that phallus curled around the revenge
Of gendered difference, the apple the gift of Venus
From the ball of Zeus, spermed the myth of moral
Superiority that taught men to seek the society of boys
The ritual of mystery is a screen for the fear of mortality
Women and children suffered to take the pledge
Of turning the body to the government of men
Then such matters become encoded in the practice
Of power, then mitre and habit cloth this sin.
In a category of secondness and evil, the knowledge
Of bodies sacrament in nature then turned to sin
The snake that phallus curled around the revenge
Of gendered difference, the apple the gift of Venus
From the ball of Zeus, spermed the myth of moral
Superiority that taught men to seek the society of boys
The ritual of mystery is a screen for the fear of mortality
Women and children suffered to take the pledge
Of turning the body to the government of men
Then such matters become encoded in the practice
Of power, then mitre and habit cloth this sin.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Lex Talionis
certain as the tide that water marks the beach
with seaweed and a ring of rotten fish, then retracts
its influence by lunar action, sure as the cycle
of nature; the physics of hatred begins in hateful
dominance over the populace, in secret rooms
where souls are stretched, cracked and broken
by waves of incessant torture like the tremendous
force of clamorous streams that find weakness
between the rocks, in the reign of limpet stubborness
the dictator who in the face of numerous agonies
refuses to leave the office of state, clear his desk,
then the country of the multitude founded upon
freedom so to speak, in this hopeless situation
they are daily pounded by all manner of inequality
brought to bear upon their bodies and minds
then the storm with almighty anger dislodged
the now aged mollusk, the relic of previous
hatred to the relentless gratitude of tides.
with seaweed and a ring of rotten fish, then retracts
its influence by lunar action, sure as the cycle
of nature; the physics of hatred begins in hateful
dominance over the populace, in secret rooms
where souls are stretched, cracked and broken
by waves of incessant torture like the tremendous
force of clamorous streams that find weakness
between the rocks, in the reign of limpet stubborness
the dictator who in the face of numerous agonies
refuses to leave the office of state, clear his desk,
then the country of the multitude founded upon
freedom so to speak, in this hopeless situation
they are daily pounded by all manner of inequality
brought to bear upon their bodies and minds
then the storm with almighty anger dislodged
the now aged mollusk, the relic of previous
hatred to the relentless gratitude of tides.
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Vox clamantis in deserto
With the single index finger you extinguish the chattering
community of demands and desire, you with the might of Nero
reduce all worlds to Ground Zero, as you click or touch a button
their very existence, their being caught in the light of the ceiling
is vanquished by the thunder that worries you to switch off,
the act of bravado of the last of the line of the Romanoff
before the Techno-Revolution when we will forever be turned on.
community of demands and desire, you with the might of Nero
reduce all worlds to Ground Zero, as you click or touch a button
their very existence, their being caught in the light of the ceiling
is vanquished by the thunder that worries you to switch off,
the act of bravado of the last of the line of the Romanoff
before the Techno-Revolution when we will forever be turned on.
La nuit donne conseil
The pillow inflated with thought feels soft
and cool as the lake in twilight in Summer
painted by a Czech artist at the peak
of symbolism - if you follow my drift
The blanket thin wrapped around
the argument embodied by the Me
this lack of subtlety emblazoned on the
"high-browism" takes a while to digest.
Yet if you check the poem the arrows
fly into Sans Sebestian - a single digit
number takes over the Amazon
accompanied by the handmaidens
of Life and Death, Oxygen and Carbon,
You too breath in the fresh repetition
in your sleep - an oxymoron given
the lines above and now below:
The pillow inflated with thought feels soft
and cool as the lake in twilight in Summer
painted by a Czech artist at the peak
of symbolism - if you follow my drift.
and cool as the lake in twilight in Summer
painted by a Czech artist at the peak
of symbolism - if you follow my drift
The blanket thin wrapped around
the argument embodied by the Me
this lack of subtlety emblazoned on the
"high-browism" takes a while to digest.
Yet if you check the poem the arrows
fly into Sans Sebestian - a single digit
number takes over the Amazon
accompanied by the handmaidens
of Life and Death, Oxygen and Carbon,
You too breath in the fresh repetition
in your sleep - an oxymoron given
the lines above and now below:
The pillow inflated with thought feels soft
and cool as the lake in twilight in Summer
painted by a Czech artist at the peak
of symbolism - if you follow my drift.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Often I feel the chance like the floret from
a dandelion clock, blown, through the vortice
of doubt and tribulation, to seed the flower
of opportunity elsewhere in some future place
a garden in a run-down quarter where by the hour
one can rent life and sex, or where a dog with three
legs hops a joint, and a newborn is aborted into service
of the state, the thin green blade of the choice
is mown down by acid rain and pollution,
and that little floral shuttlecock goes on its way
over an imagined neighbourhood of down town
life, to the middle-class meadow of high-rise money
a dandelion clock, blown, through the vortice
of doubt and tribulation, to seed the flower
of opportunity elsewhere in some future place
a garden in a run-down quarter where by the hour
one can rent life and sex, or where a dog with three
legs hops a joint, and a newborn is aborted into service
of the state, the thin green blade of the choice
is mown down by acid rain and pollution,
and that little floral shuttlecock goes on its way
over an imagined neighbourhood of down town
life, to the middle-class meadow of high-rise money
Monday, 5 April 2010
Romsey Watts Fine-Turns the Universe
Romsey Watts Fine-Turns the Universe
Romsey Watts could fine-tune any vehicle
From a Ford transit van to nearly dead Vauxhall Viva
Didn’t matter the condition, he’d get them to start
By tinkling with the engine, adding some oil,
Tapping the starter, changing the old battery,
Adjusting the alternator, they would in the end
Always move in a most mysterious way.
He had the knack, and it seemed he did the same
For the Universe, getting from an incredibly
Large number of atoms down to the present
August arrangent of Life, which seems to be
Rather clever, eminent physicists called in
Think so, but they do not like the comparison
Between the Vauxhall Viva and the Universe.
Nor the Christians care for the binary Watts
And God, however you see R.G. Collingwood
Got it right – what we are dealing with is
An absolute presupposition
Namely that outside the ken of humanity
I know that both the Vauxhall Viva and all
The known permutations in the Universe
Are fine-tuned by the human mind – which
Though Resourceful, has its limits
Ones that even a grasshopper can leave
Romsey Watts could fine-tune any vehicle
From a Ford transit van to nearly dead Vauxhall Viva
Didn’t matter the condition, he’d get them to start
By tinkling with the engine, adding some oil,
Tapping the starter, changing the old battery,
Adjusting the alternator, they would in the end
Always move in a most mysterious way.
He had the knack, and it seemed he did the same
For the Universe, getting from an incredibly
Large number of atoms down to the present
August arrangent of Life, which seems to be
Rather clever, eminent physicists called in
Think so, but they do not like the comparison
Between the Vauxhall Viva and the Universe.
Nor the Christians care for the binary Watts
And God, however you see R.G. Collingwood
Got it right – what we are dealing with is
An absolute presupposition
Namely that outside the ken of humanity
I know that both the Vauxhall Viva and all
The known permutations in the Universe
Are fine-tuned by the human mind – which
Though Resourceful, has its limits
Ones that even a grasshopper can leave
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