Friday, 19 February 2010

Boys will be Boys

"Boys will be Boys"
for all those who suffered at the hands of boys

boys will be boys
and do you know what they got
up to when you were not there
they called me names, they teased
me, they whipped me with towels
and drew blood, they headbutted
me, they twisted my arms, they
took my property, they turned
my bed into apple pies, they kicked
slippers at me, they threw things
at me, they made fun of my physique,
they laughed at my shyness; my
confidence in myself was undermined,
and my sense of inadequacy confirmed,

boys will be boys
and do you know what they got
up to when you were not there
Godthey knocked on his door and dragged
him out into the street, and they called
him names, they taunted him, and they
pushed him into a wagon, and they struck
him for days, they starved him, they made
him do hard labor, they took away his friends,
and took away his family, and they took away
his life, and then they took away
my God
boys will be boys.

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