Thursday, 1 July 2010


Blaise, not known for Modesty, but as Pascal,

wagered that in all probability, Cleopatra's nose

was long, so long that it possibly made History,

and maybe could maintain the television channel,

the long and short of it, is that in a contrafactual

manner, if someone had taken a spanner

to the Alexandrian sculpture, she'd have no future,

or if they had minted a different clock, no one

would place much stock by her name, Pascal

would have to completely overhaul his bon mot

Now, I am of the opinion that Amanda Barrie

was much better at playing Cleo than Liz Taylor

As the former did it just for a lark, the latter for money,

Then there is Mark Anthony, unmadebed-face Sid James

versus, the perpetual drunk, old Richard Burton, carry on,

with this thread and I might get taken down from my pedestal

of favouring the camp over the pampered, anyways,

with regard to death of her majesty, was it by a cocktail

of drugs or was it the "sting" of a snake? Does it matter

to mugs who will take an unknown model from Arkansas,

turn her with CAD into a regular international Cleopatra,

who ever gave a damn for the truth, when you can have Looks

like Angelie Jolie or Brad Pitt, only those who read books

Today in our age of Fourth Media, we only want fame

To have Cleo die like a lonely crack addict, is not news,

We want in our National Enquirer fashion to reedit the tale

Have Cleo kiss goodbye to the world, carrying the baby of Dodi,

But after DNA tests proves to be the offspring of Romano Prodi,

Or better still, the odds against, the unlikely scenario, a snake

with an air of the subtil, bites like the Devil, blood gushing from

the internal thoraic artery, like the oil from the Deep Horizon well,

then we can link ecology with the celebrity, and end in sobriety.

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