Monday, 11 January 2010

Farewell Knives

on the bus, know nobody, then come
to stranger, stand in his face, some
thing to do, provoke him, standing
in his place, and he will as they always
do, react, a blink, a toggle of the hand,
a frown, and I get out my stanley,which is short
and so, my, so handy,then slash him good, along the arteries,
in blood rage, and I calmly walk outas if nothing ever happened,
no damage to my reputation, caught on CCTV

on the bus, minding my own business
thinking about my girlfriend and the night
we shall spend together, after working hard
then he comes and stands up to my place
I am holding the strap, he just has no heart
or emotion, like something made of steel
then the slashing, the pain, the bleeding
the thoughts of him, then her, then darkness
Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut
But how was I to know at that very stage
He could take my life, ever so easily?

on the bus, the Magnetman comes along,
pulling out from the passengers all metal
objects, the knives and guns fly in the air
to his body where they disintegrate at point
shattering into shards of elements infinitesimal,
all are in a state of shock, feeling violated
that their possessions should be removed
as if he was a one man visitation zone
I feel inadequate without my piece of steel
says the boy, and another echoes with sh*t
you cannot take away our right to shoot and knife
at will, cos, John Stuart Mills says it is our
liberty to express our dissatisfaction with society

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