The brown pelican in sky azure
Flies through blue to be in a postcard
The turtle on pristine sand earlier
Now swims slowly in deadly black gold.
Should we and do we ever cry for
The life we exploit and we buried?
In mistakes that for them: a massacre,
So we can live our lives hurried.
As we rush to this Paradise,
To escape, to bathe, to burn, consume
We take flight from another place
So the same Terror can now resume.
In the once untouched everglades
The alligator is held as a toy
By a kid wearing ”I am so cool shades”
To get the shot for his holiday.
We get from A to B rather quickly
These days, the car is a convenience
By which we can run down wickedly
rabbits, the toads and hundreds of mice.
Each of these and they are millions
The military call collateral damage
Do we have to peel lots of onions
So as to cry, to reach that rare stage?
Knowing that though some are innumerable
And they are defined as insentient
They can suffer and yet we are capable
Of seeing them only as inconvenience.
We clean our streets and homes of Life
Because they bother or irritate
Not once do we show any real grief
Because they are beneath our Estate.
Of what is good and healthy for us
We term them pest and parasite
We splat, we spray, we so pious
Humans seek to destroy and decimate.
The logic of course is a species
Centred one, we choose the Select
The rest we treat like smelly faeces
As nature in the housefly was incorrect.
We import our sense of objectivity
From the holy books and from Science
Thus we eat this fish in subjectivity
It tells us in the bible and has vitamins.
We are persuaded by faith and reason,
To make decisions that are pure stupidity.
When it comes to intelligent design
We relax our guard and God in cupidity.
We believe the planet to be a garden
That it is our duty to manage
This little ball of land and water; Eden
In times of the current Carnage.
We put down our spades and look for blame
First we turn to the oil company
Which we cuss and call a terrible name
The we go higher to the Presidency.
Never do we look at the Consumer
That’s the majority of us at home
We like to feel ourselves superior
As we guzzle oil, we play dumb.
We stand on the shore and pity the seabird
Tell big government and bankers to go to Hell
But we think saving fuel is plainly absurd
And we eat all the fish that they sell.
Never asking, whether there is a connection
In the Almighty scheme of things
Between the fact we never care or learn
About the Ecology and all these wrongs.
We of course understand what is Beauty
How that is important for the tourists
How to have the beach looking pretty
For those who wish to slash their wrists.
You recoil at the shock of the non
Sequitar, having Beauty connected with Death
Yet when you watch shit on the Internet
You forget all about the Carbon footprint.
Each time you download the ”beautiful”
Watch TV, drive, work, even breathe,
You are party to, in a way, an oil spill
No wonder you zap, turnover with relief.
You have blood on your hands by Satellite
Only you and I include me, do not care
Because it is not on the News, it is remote
All the consequences are in the future.
If you get involved, fairweather friend,
It is for the moment, knee-jerk reflex
You will shed crocodile tears at their end
But refuse to pay one cent in Green Tax.
But the trade-off is political capital
You want money for the economic loss
So to make the hotel more hospitable
Or to increase the catch of lobsters.
Those plastic mermaids in MacD
With long flowing hair and cuteness
Mean more to you than the Manatee
Which are dying there in this Darkness.
What is behind this devastation
but your reluctance to change habits
Oh yes that comes as a revelation!
You call for facts and for exhibits!
You refuse to walk, you refuse transport
Unless it is of status and like a symbol
You refuse to check whatever you bought
Unless it is of course not a brand label.
The stock of fish and all the natural wildlife
Before the spillage, were already in danger
By your indifference to their survival and strife
When you played the role of Park Ranger.
Cutting down trees, pouring toxic waste
Into the open sea and rivers, killing whatever
Whenever as if they were on some pathetic list
of the seriously deranged serial killer.
Now I wish you to consider your complicity
In this crime against the nature you so love
By thinking about turning off electricity
And bringing yourself down from the point above
Where you took the high road to moralise
Without really caring about the brown pelican
And all the other forms of life affected by these
Choices you make like shopping on Amazon.
The brown pelican in sky azure
Flies through blue to be in a postcard
The turtle on pristine sand earlier
Now swims slowly in deadly black gold.
Should we and do we ever cry for
The life we exploit and we buried?
In mistakes that for them: a massacre,
So we can live our lives hurried.
As we rush to this Paradise,
To escape, to bathe, to burn, consume
We take flight from another place
So the same Terror can now resume.
In the once untouched everglades
The alligator is held as a toy
By a kid wearing ”I am so cool shades”
To get the shot for his holiday.
We get from A to B rather quickly
These days, the car is a convenience
By which we can run down wickedly
rabbits, the toads and hundreds of mice.
Each of these and they are millions
The military call collateral damage
Do we have to peel lots of onions
So as to cry, to reach that rare stage?
Knowing that though some are innumerable
And they are defined as insentient
They can suffer and yet we are capable
Of seeing them only as inconvenience.
We clean our streets and homes of Life
Because they bother or irritate
Not once do we show any real grief
Because they are beneath our Estate.
Of what is good and healthy for us
We term them pest and parasite
We splat, we spray, we so pious
Humans seek to destroy and decimate.
The logic of course is a species
Centred one, we choose the Select
The rest we treat like smelly faeces
As nature in the housefly was incorrect.
We import our sense of objectivity
From the holy books and from Science
Thus we eat this fish in subjectivity
It tells us in the bible and has vitamins.
We are persuaded by faith and reason,
To make decisions that are pure stupidity.
When it comes to intelligent design
We relax our guard and God in cupidity.
We believe the planet to be a garden
That it is our duty to manage
This little ball of land and water; Eden
In times of the current Carnage.
We put down our spades and look for blame
First we turn to the oil company
Which we cuss and call a terrible name
The we go higher to the Presidency.
Never do we look at the Consumer
That’s the majority of us at home
We like to feel ourselves superior
As we guzzle oil, we play dumb.
We stand on the shore and pity the seabird
Tell big government and bankers to go to Hell
But we think saving fuel is plainly absurd
And we eat all the fish that they sell.
Never asking, whether there is a connection
In the Almighty scheme of things
Between the fact we never care or learn
About the Ecology and all these wrongs.
We of course understand what is Beauty
How that is important for the tourists
How to have the beach looking pretty
For those who wish to slash their wrists.
You recoil at the shock of the non
Sequitar, having Beauty connected with Death
Yet when you watch shit on the Internet
You forget all about the Carbon footprint.
Each time you download the ”beautiful”
Watch TV, drive, work, even breathe,
You are party to, in a way, an oil spill
No wonder you zap, turnover with relief.
You have blood on your hands by Satellite
Only you and I include me, do not care
Because it is not on the News, it is remote
All the consequences are in the future.
If you get involved, fairweather friend,
It is for the moment, knee-jerk reflex
You will shed crocodile tears at their end
But refuse to pay one cent in Green Tax.
But the trade-off is political capital
You want money for the economic loss
So to make the hotel more hospitable
Or to increase the catch of lobsters.
Those plastic mermaids in MacD
With long flowing hair and cuteness
Mean more to you than the Manatee
Which are dying there in this Darkness.
What is behind this devastation
but your reluctance to change habits
Oh yes that comes as a revelation!
You call for facts and for exhibits!
You refuse to walk, you refuse transport
Unless it is of status and like a symbol
You refuse to check whatever you bought
Unless it is of course not a brand label.
The stock of fish and all the natural wildlife
Before the spillage, were already in danger
By your indifference to their survival and strife
When you played the role of Park Ranger.
Cutting down trees, pouring toxic waste
Into the open sea and rivers, killing whatever
Whenever as if they were on some pathetic list
of the seriously deranged serial killer.
Now I wish you to consider your complicity
In this crime against the nature you so love
By thinking about turning off electricity
And bringing yourself down from the point above
Where you took the high road to moralise
Without really caring about the brown pelican
And all the other forms of life affected by these
Choices you make like shopping on Amazon.