Thursday, 6 May 2010

On Leopardi - For Lethe Bashar

Rain clouds amass above the reflective heads

of those who wish to ask and find the answers

to the cosmos or matters of love, and the like

The grey gauze of particles, the truth hides

For in the sphere beyond, knowledge we seek

The philosophy of poetry, written in infinity

Takes us to heights over the ordinary life

The Italian feminine endings seduce the ears

As the report of the rhyme scatters science

Of scepticism, the succulent grapes of Os

We suck and taste nature and the poetical

As the cold rain of poetry wets our fears

On the hill we view the tense, our past

Present and future, a rendering of Leopardi.

Picture from

1 comment:

  1. Stephen,

    This is beautiful and I love that you're communicating to me in a poem . . . yes, I'm in a brooding state of mind, and Leopardi is the perfect companion for these brooding states . . . Here is the poem I did in fact write tonight . . . all original:
