Monday, 24 May 2010

Hart Crane Homeward Bound (VI)

We are getting by, quite nicely, with the Silver poets of España

doing the donkey work and with the puppetry of Federico Garcia Lorca

performing in the shadows of the rack,

Now that's what I call carrying the canon on one's back, reading

a bit too much between the eyes, still in the rough, common as muck,

in the back of a Cuban bar

Snogging sailors, snorkelling in the mirrored sea, swimming off tangent

off the junk, the dialogue dated, a simile

Pushing a zimmer frame, senescence in flagrante delicto,

the kind of Yvor Winters' jibe at Rexroth, "you are long in the tooth"

all the old "we want to screw...

You guys and gals, the f-ing Victoria out of your system, pull down

censorship, pull down the drawers and undies,

what's the nautical term for breaking your heart,

So I'll walk the plank, dammit if you want carpentry for poetry

the usual fruit market, where you assemble rhyme, metre, imagery

apples and pears

I'll go upstairs: Nature, God and Eros, done and wrapped up for

knock-down price, all for the cost of two over ripe


Hey, Hart, they prefer, rather, the tufted ducks

with their heads, black and white, with Daffy features,

buried in their backs

acast like fishing tops, the rings emanating from them

outwards, like the glass you find in hoity-toity old

fashioned windows

They want their f**ks too, have the wood pigeons

on lamp post above the rectangular pond

coupling like rabbits

then the female blackbird, in jerky movements,

two hops, head down, two hops, head down

then two hops

Mesmerised by the natural, you'd think the poem

was complete, though this me mate, is just a

fragment, a shard.

Let's change tack.

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