Aside from the Rod Steiger look - Mr. Hill deserves it I suppose
the Bromsgrove boy made good - though there are some
who have misunderstood his love of history and obscure
which puts him in the Robert Graves' class of know it all
but this is not quite the point, nor a good argument
for dismissing good old Geoffrey Hill as arrogant
some thrive on putting down a poet, who is mainstream
even though others think he is probably the future
whatever way you think, you can't say ill of Bromsgrove's
boy made good, it is not Kidderminster, and at least
the horse whisperer did not to my knowledge pen poetry,
but imagine, if Michael Ball, instead of going to Plymouth
College went to Oxford, maybe his lyrics would find themselves
in seminars discussed, and the net result sung on Eurovision
so we can be thankful, though Geoff Hill is bit of a codger
his poetry is still to par for a London Review or TLS submission?
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